The most elegant explanation of the lack of inflation

  • Ein Thomas Weiß fragte im Michael Roberts Blog, wo denn bei all dem Quantitative Easing der Notenbanken und all den Corona-Milliarden die Inflation bleibe: „That is a conundrum for bourgeois and Marxist economists.“

    Meine Antwort dort lautet: “My view of the alleged lack of inflation: wherever the excess money of the central banks goes, inflation can also be found there: e.g. on the stock market, real estate, and interest rates. The fact that money no longer pays interest means that money loses its value.

    However, the excess money does not reach the normal commodity market, which goes into the reproduction of wage labor. Therefore, inflation can hardly be found there.“

    Das kommentierte Tim Rourke (Ein Grundeinkommensanhänger): “Here is the most elegant explanation of inflation, or lack of it, that I have found. Inflation does not effect everything equality. It goes where the money goes.”

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